It's been two years since our last technology trends for parking management article, and since then a lot has changed.
Here are the three technology trends for parking management in 2019 you need to know about.
The rise in electric cars
For years, the implementation of electric vehicles (EV) seemed as much of a pipe dream as jet packs. As such, in 2010, there were only a few thousand on roads around the world. However, as we've become more knowledgeable about how day-to-day actions affect the environment, more people have sought these eco-friendly alternatives. As a result, in 2017 the number of EVs around the world surpassed 3 million, and rose to 4 million six months later, according to Greenpeace.
It seems the demand for smart vehicles is showing no signs of slowing down, according to the results of a Nissan survey. Data revealed that two in three Australians feel the move to electric vehicles is inevitable, and as such, nearly one third are considering buying an EV.
If this data is anything to go off, city officials must make drastic changes to parking management systems in order to meet the demand of electric vehicles. This is because such vehicle types require charging stations. Recent data from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency shows that 30 per cent of EV drivers require public charging for 100 per cent of their charging requirements, as they do not have the capacity to do so at home.
Therefore, in order to meet the demands of these users, city authorities in popular areas needs to implement charging stations. However, charging an electric car can take anywhere from one to four hours, so the demand for car parking spaces and chargers will increase.
EVs haven't taken over yet, but they will do soon – parking officials need to start considering ways to incorporate electric charging stations into their sites sooner rather than later.
A firm focus on improving the customer experience
Solid customer experiences are what drive success within operations of any scale – and parking management is no different. Now more than ever, customers are demanding seamless and stress-free services, and in order to provide a positive user experience, organisations must put particular measures in place.
In the parking management sense, doing so is easy thanks to advancements in tracking data. One example of this is licence plate recognition (LPR). Not only can these fixed/mobile cameras assist enforcement officers by providing real-time and accurate compliance data, they can also work towards creating a more efficient parking experience for drivers.
LPR is effective for collecting useful customer data, such as the most popular time people arrive, how long they typically stay for and the type of car they drive. Analysing these results can help you implement friction-free solutions – all of which have the customer in mind. For example, fast, accurate and dynamic LPR cameras can be used to replace traditional boom-gate technologies. These electric gates have been known to cause lengthy queues, and sometimes, not always lifting when prompted. Smart parking technologies like licence plate recognition cameras help paint a better picture of your customers, which in turn leads to better user experience.
Championing cashless systems
Reducing cash payments and enforcing smarter ways to pay has been an ideal we've championed for years here at Duncan Solutions. Thankfully, in 2019, this notion is still going strong – if not stronger.
The acceleration of digital payment is charged by people wanting convenience when using a particular service. This is why parking management at Duncan Solutions centralises around making payments easier than possible. Since introducing PayWave to our parking terminals, this payment option now forms 92 per cent of transactions. This shows that cash is on the way out as people look for easier and more efficient alternatives i.e. digital payments.
Here at Duncan Solutions, we're always aware of changes to smart parking technologies so that we can adapt our products and services accordingly, so you can get and stay ahead. Get in touch with the team today to find out how we can help your parking operation.